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DSWR project leaders visited Kinnard Farms, a dairy in northeastern Wisconsin, to discuss research happening there.

The farm is one of six commercial dairies around the country participating in extensive research trials.

During the August 2023 visit, the team and the farm’s owner, Lee Kinnard, reviewed soil health and carbon data from an experiment at the farm.

A field-scale study at Kinnard Farms is comparing commonly used field practices and soil health management systems in a paired field. The study is to provide “proof of concept” and demonstrate whether farms can implement this system at scale. The research will also provide data for modeling efforts.

Lee Kinnard said he is participating in DSWR because of its focus on regenerating soil.

For every single dairy farmer I’ve ever met,” Kinnard said, “the goal has been to leave the soil, leave the farm, to leave the next generation with improved soil, an improved herd and an improved community. This project essentially is about how we can rebuild soil. In my mind, there is nothing more important nor more exciting going on in agriculture. So, we’re really proud to be part of this project.

Photo: DMI’s Reza Afshar (right) speaks with Lee Kinnard on a field tour.