University of Vermont

With the presence of big names like Cabot Cheese and Ben and Jerry’s, it’s no secret that Vermont has a strong dairy community. In fact, the agriculture sector of Vermont’s economy has been dominated by dairy for many years. University of Vermont researchers are teaming up with one of the largest farms in the state, Audet’s Blue Spruce Farm, to study ways to improve soil health, reduce nutrient runoff, and decrease greenhouse gas emissions in dairy forage systems. This large, field-scale study will study soil health management systems including cover cropping, no-till and manure application by injection. By measuring water quality, greenhouse gases (GHGs), crop yields and soil health, the team hopes to understand how these soil health management systems interact with the climate and hydrology of the heavy clay soils of the Champlain Basin. These data will inform which practices can help to protect the water quality of Lake Champlain, improve or maintain yields and help reduce carbon emissions in dairy.