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At the New York locations, the Cornell team is gaining insight on the effects of tillage practice, cover cropping, management decisions of manure application and manure-based products, and value of manure on environmental and agronomic parameters including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, soil health, yield and forage quality.

Cornell University conducts research across three study sites in New York state: two in western New York and one in central New York. The sites in western New York are a large plot study, where the team compares five different management practices, and the nitrogen replacement study, where the team quantifies the amount of fertilizer nitrogen that can be replaced by different manure products and their potential impact on yield and forage quality. The site in central New York compares two different management practices across four yield stability zones. All of the study sites grow corn silage.

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Greenhouse Gas Emission Work »

Spreader in field

"It is great to be able to work with producers that are interested in evaluating various management practices on their farm. Partnerships like this are essential to generating relevant questions and getting meaningful results."
- Quirine Ketterings, Principal Investigator


"If we’re going to change our practices, we need to understand the value. There’s a big focus on data in agriculture. But if you can’t use it, what’s the point? This data will help us better utilize our resources. That’s why we’re participating."
- Rob Noble, Noblehurst Farms

Rob Noble
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The Cornell Team

Quirine Ketterings
Quirine Ketterings, Ph.D.
Professor, Nutrient Management in Agricultural Systems, Lead PI

Project coordinator for Cornell University and lead at Nutrient Management Spear Program, the applied research & extension program in field crop nutrient management of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

Kirsten Workman
Kirsten Workman
Senior Extension Associate

Assists with project communication, agronomic considerations and farmer technology transfer. Shares information with farmers that can help them make management decisions.

Jasdeep Singh
Jasdeep Singh, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher

Supervises day to day activities of the project, including field and lab measurements, mentoring support staff, preparing reports, and outreach project activities through extension meetings and field days.

Juan Carlos Ramos
Juan Carlos Ramos Tanchez
On-Farm Coordinator

Serves as the on-farm research coordinator of the Nutrient Management Spear Program. Collaborates in building on-farm research partnerships. Leads the nitrogen replacement study in Western NY. 

Erick Amaya
Research Intern

Works on field data collection and is the lead for the incubation study that compares ammonium, nitrate, and N2O dynamics of various manure products over time.

Sadiel Negron
Field & Research Technician

Conducts field sampling for GHG emissions, forage quality and soil health. Conducts data processing and assists in lab for chemical analytics.

Abraham Hauser
Abraham Hauser
Assistant Data Analyst

Performs GHG and yield monitor data cleaning. Participates in field sampling, including GHG, soil, and forage quality testing.

Publications and Presentations

Conference abstracts/oral presentations at ASA-CSA-SSSA annual conferences and extension field days

  • Singh, J., O. Godber, H. Solecki, K. Workman, and Q.M. Ketterings (2023). Soil health and greenhouse gas emissions from forage production fields and dairy farm systems in New York. Aurora Farm Field Day, Musgrave Research Farm, Aurora, NY. August 4, 2023.
  • Singh, J., H. Solecki, K. Workman, and Q.M. Ketterings (2023). Quantifying greenhouse gas footprints and soil health indicators response to alternative soil management practices on a dairy farm. ASA/CSSA/SSSA International Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MO. October 31, 2023. Abstract 45-10.
  • Solecki, H., J. Singh, A. Hauser, J.C. Ramos-Tanchez, K. Workman, and Q.M. Ketterings (2023). An integrated approach to assessing impact of soil health practices on changes in corn yield and yield stability over time. ASA/CSSA/SSSA International Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MO. November 1, 2023. Abstract 406-6.
  • Ketterings Q.M., J. Singh, H. Solecki, and K. Workman (2023); Dairy Soil and Water Regeneration Project (New York Update). Net – Zero Initiate Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MO. November 2, 2023.
  • Singh, J., H. Solecki, A. Hauser, J.C. Ramos-Tanchez, K. Workman, and Q.M. Ketterings (2023). Dairy Soil and Water Regeneration Project 2023 Update. Agriculture, Food & Environmental Systems In-service, Ithaca, NY. November 7, 2023.
  • Bekewe, P. E., K. Workman, and Q. M. Ketterings (2022). Quantification of greenhouse gases emissions under different nutrient management and soil amendments in a corn silage field in Western New York. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
  • Bekewe P.E., Q. M. Ketterings, K. Workman, and A. Hauser. (2022). Dairy NetZero greenhouse measurements. 2022 Aurora Farm Field Day – Musgrave Research Farm, Aurora, NY.
  • Ketterings, Q.M., K. Workman, O. Godber, A. Olivo, J.C. Ramos Tanchez, B. Jatana, M. Marcaida, S.N. Srinivasagan, A. Hauser, P. Coenen, P. Bekewe, G. Kaur, and S. Sunoj (2022). Nutrient Management Spear Program update. 2022 Ag Inservice. Ithaca, NY.
  • Ketterings, Q.M., O. Godber (2022). NetZero and Dairy Sustainability Project updates. Cornell Cooperative Extension South Central NY Dairy and Field Crops Program. Virtual Winter Crop Meeting 2022. March 23, 2022.
  • Ketterings, Q.M., and K. Workman (2022). Innovative crop strategies for reducing or sequestering greenhouse gas emissions. Part of: Net Zero for NY Dairy-What You Need to Know. February 3, 2022. 30 min. Virtual. Net Zero for NY Dairy.

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